/* -*- mode: c++ -*- * Kaleidoscope-LED-AlphaSquare -- 4x4 pixel LED alphabet * Copyright (C) 2017 Gergely Nagy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include const Key keymaps[][ROWS][COLS] PROGMEM = { [0] = KEYMAP_STACKED ( Key_LEDEffectNext, Key_1, Key_2, Key_3, Key_4, Key_5, M(0), Key_Backtick, Key_Q, Key_W, Key_E, Key_R, Key_T, Key_Tab, Key_PageUp, Key_A, Key_S, Key_D, Key_F, Key_G, Key_PageDn, Key_Z, Key_X, Key_C, Key_V, Key_B, Key_Esc, Key_LCtrl, Key_Backspace, Key_LGUI, Key_LShift, Key_skip, Key_skip, Key_6, Key_7, Key_8, Key_9, Key_0, Key_skip, Key_Enter, Key_Y, Key_U, Key_I, Key_O, Key_P, Key_Equals, Key_H, Key_J, Key_K, Key_L, Key_Semicolon, Key_Quote, Key_skip, Key_N, Key_M, Key_Comma, Key_Period, Key_Slash, Key_Minus, Key_RShift, Key_RAlt, Key_Space, Key_RCtrl, Key_skip ), }; const macro_t *macroAction(uint8_t macroIndex, uint8_t keyState) { if (!key_toggled_on (keyState)) return MACRO_NONE; if (macroIndex == 0) { for (uint8_t i = Key_A.keyCode; i <= Key_0.keyCode; i++) { LEDControl.set_all_leds_to (0, 0, 0); LEDControl.led_sync (); delay (100); uint8_t col = 2; if (i % 2) col = 10; for (uint8_t step = 0; step <= 0xf0; step += 8) { AlphaSquare.color = { step, step, step }; AlphaSquare.display ({i, 0}, col); delay (10); } for (uint8_t step = 0xff; step >= 8; step -= 8) { AlphaSquare.color = { step, step, step }; AlphaSquare.display ({i, 0}, col); delay (10); } delay (100); } LEDControl.set_all_leds_to (0, 0, 0); LEDControl.led_sync (); delay (100); for (uint8_t step = 0; step <= 0xf0; step += 8) { AlphaSquare.color = { step, step, step }; AlphaSquare.display (KaleidoscopePlugins::AlphaSquareSymbols::Lambda, 2); AlphaSquare.display (KaleidoscopePlugins::AlphaSquareSymbols::Lambda, 10); delay (10); } for (uint8_t step = 0xff; step >= 8; step -= 8) { AlphaSquare.color = { step, step, step }; AlphaSquare.display (KaleidoscopePlugins::AlphaSquareSymbols::Lambda, 2); AlphaSquare.display (KaleidoscopePlugins::AlphaSquareSymbols::Lambda, 10); delay (10); } delay (100); } LEDControl.set_all_leds_to (0, 0, 0); return MACRO_NONE; } void setup () { Kaleidoscope.setup (); USE_PLUGINS (&AlphaSquare, &AlphaSquareEffect, &Macros); AlphaSquare.color = { 0xcb, 0xc0, 0xff }; } void loop () { Kaleidoscope.loop (); }