# EEPROM-Keymap-Programmer Inspired by a similar feature on other keyboards, the `EEPROM-Keymap-Programmer` plugin implements an on-device keymap re-arrangement / re-coding system. There are two modes of operation: in one, we need to press a key we want to change, then another to copy from. In the other, we press a key to change, and then input a key code (terminated by any non-number key). ## The two modes of operation It is worth looking at the two separately, to better understand how they work, and what they accomplish: ### Copy mode In `COPY` mode, the plugin will use both the built-in, default keymap, and the override stored in `EEPROM`. When we select a key to override, we need to tap another, which will be used as the source. The source key's code will be looked up from the built-in keymap. For example, lets say we want to swap `A` and `B` for some odd reason. We can do this by triggering the keymap programmer mode, then tapping `A` to select it as the destination, then `B` as the source. The plugin will look up the keycode in the built-in keymap for the key in `B`'s location, and replace the location of `A` in the override with it. Next, we press the `B` key to select it as the destination, and we press the key that used to be `A` (but is now `B` too) to select it as a source. Because source keys are looked up in the built-in keymap, the plugin will find it is `A`. Obviously, this method only works if we have a built-in keymap, and it does not support copying from another layer. It is merely a way to rearrange simple things, like alphanumerics. ### Code mode In `CODE` mode, instead of selecting a source key, we need to enter a code: press numbers to input the code, and any non-number key to end the sequence. Thus, when entering keymap programmer mode, and selecting, say, the `A` key, then tapping `5 SPACE` will set the key to `B` (which has the keycode of `5`). This allows us to use keycodes not present on the built-in keymap, at the expense of having to know the keycode, and allowing no mistakes. ## Using the plugin Adding the functionality of the plugin to a Sketch is easier the usage explained above, though it requires that the [EEPROM-Keymap][plugin:eeprom-keymap] plugin is also used, and set up appropriately. Once the prerequisites are dealt with, all we need to do is to use the plugin, and find a way to trigger entering the keymap programmer mode. One such way is to use a macro, as in the example below: ```c++ #include <Kaleidoscope.h> #include <Kaleidoscope-EEPROM-Keymap.h> #include <Kaleidoscope-EEPROM-Keymap-Programmer.h> #include <Kaleidoscope-EEPROM-Settings.h> #include <Kaleidoscope-Macros.h> const macro_t *macroAction(uint8_t macroIndex, uint8_t keyState) { if (macroIndex == 0 && keyToggledOff(keyState)) { EEPROMKeymapProgrammer.activate(); } return MACRO_NONE; } KALEIDOSCOPE_INIT_PLUGINS(EEPROMSettings, EEPROMKeymapProgrammer, EEPROMKeymap, Macros); void setup() { Kaleidoscope.setup(); Layer.getKey = EEPROMKeymap.getKey; EEPROMKeymap.max_layers(1); EEPROMSettings.seal(); } ``` The plugin should be used as early as possible, otherwise other plugins that hook into the event system may start processing events before the programmer can take over. ## Plugin methods The plugin provides the `EEPROMKeymapProgrammer` object, which has the following methods and properties: ### `.activate()` > Activates the keymap programmer. This is the function one needs to call from - > say - a macro, to enter the edit state. ### `.mode` > Set this property to the mode to use for editing: either > `kaleidoscope::EEPROMKeymapProgrammer::COPY`, or > `kaleidoscope::EEPROMKeymapProgrammer::CODE`. > > Defaults to `kaleidoscope::EEPROMKeymapProgrammer::CODE`. ## Focus commands The plugin provides a single `Focus` hook: `FOCUS_HOOK_KEYMAP_PROGRAMMER`, which in turn provides the following command: ### `keymap.toggleProgrammer` > Toggles the programmer mode on or off. ## Dependencies * [Kaleidoscope-EEPROM-Keymap][plugin:eeprom-keymap] [plugin:eeprom-keymap]: Kaleidoscope-EEPROM-Keymap.md ## Further reading Starting from the [example][plugin:example] is the recommended way of getting started with the plugin. [plugin:example]: /examples/Features/EEPROM/EEPROM-Keymap-Programmer/EEPROM-Keymap-Programmer.ino