# This stub makefile for a Kaleidoscope plugin pulls in # all targets from the Kaleidoscope-Plugin library UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) SKETCHBOOK_DIR ?= $(HOME)/Documents/Arduino PACKAGE_DIR ?= $(HOME)/Library/Arduino15 else SKETCHBOOK_DIR ?= $(HOME)/Arduino PACKAGE_DIR ?= $(HOME)/.arduino15 endif ARDUINO_INSTALLED_ENV=$(shell ls -dt $(PACKAGE_DIR)/packages/keyboardio/hardware/avr 2>/dev/null |head -n 1) MANUALLY_INSTALLED_ENV=$(shell ls -dt $(SKETCHBOOK_DIR)/hardware/keyboardio/avr 2>/dev/null |head -n 1) ifneq ("$(wildcard $(ARDUINO_INSTALLED_ENV)/boards.txt)","") ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MANUALLY_INSTALLED_ENV)/boards.txt)","") $(info ***************************************************************************) $(info It appears that you have installed two copies of Kaleidoscope. One copy was) $(info installed using Arduino's "Board Manager", while the other was installed by) $(info hand, probably using "git".) $(info ) $(info This will likely cause some trouble as you try to build keyboard firmware) $(info using Kaleidoscope. You may want to remove either: ) $(info ) $(info $(PACKAGE_DIR)/packages/keyboardio/ which was installed using Arduino) $(info ) $(info or) $(info ) $(info $(SKETCHBOOK_DIR)/hardware/keyboardio/ which was installed by hand.) $(info ) $(info ***************************************************************************) $(info ) endif BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH = $(ARDUINO_INSTALLED_ENV) KALEIDOSCOPE_PLUGIN_MAKEFILE_DIR ?= build-tools/makefiles/ KALEIDOSCOPE_BUILDER_DIR ?= $(ARDUINO_INSTALLED_ENV)/libraries/Kaleidoscope/bin/ endif BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH ?= $(SKETCHBOOK_DIR)/hardware KALEIDOSCOPE_PLUGIN_MAKEFILE_DIR ?= keyboardio/build-tools/makefiles/ # If Kaleidoscope's Arduino libraries cannot be found, e.g. because # they reside outside of SKETCHBOOK_DIR, we fall back to assuming that # the hardware directory can be determined in relation to the position of # this Makefile. ifeq ("$(wildcard $(BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH)/keyboardio/build-tools/makefiles/rules.mk)","") # Determine the path of this Makefile MKFILE_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH = $(MKFILE_DIR)/../../../../../.. endif ifeq ("$(wildcard $(BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH)/keyboardio/build-tools/makefiles/rules.mk)","") $(info ***************************************************************************) $(info Unable to autodetect a proper BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH. Please define it manually.) $(info ***************************************************************************) $(info ) endif include $(BOARD_HARDWARE_PATH)/$(KALEIDOSCOPE_PLUGIN_MAKEFILE_DIR)/rules.mk