mkfile_dir := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) ifeq ($(VERBOSE),) ifeq ($(QUIET),) $(info Building in quiet mode. For a lot more information, add 'VERBOSE=1' to the beginning of your call to $(MAKE)) export QUIET = @ endif export ARDUINO_VERBOSE ?= else export ARDUINO_VERBOSE ?= --verbose endif # Build path config TMPDIR ?= /tmp ifeq ($(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR),) export KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR := $(abspath $(mkfile_dir)/../..) endif KALEIDOSCOPE_BIN_DIR ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR)/bin KALEIDOSCOPE_ETC_DIR ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR)/etc KALEIDOSCOPE_TEMP_PATH ?= $(TMPDIR)/kaleidoscope-$(USER) KALEIDOSCOPE_BUILD_PATH ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_TEMP_PATH)/build KALEIDOSCOPE_OUTPUT_PATH ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_TEMP_PATH)/output CORE_CACHE_PATH ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_TEMP_PATH)/arduino-cores ARDUINO_CONTENT ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR)/.arduino export ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA ?= $(ARDUINO_CONTENT)/data export ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DOWNLOADS ?= $(ARDUINO_CONTENT)/downloads export ARDUINO_CLI_CONFIG ?= $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA)/arduino-cli.yaml export ARDUINO_BOARD_MANAGER_ADDITIONAL_URLS ?= # If it looks like Kaleidoscope is inside a "traditional" Arduino hardware directory # in the user's homedir, let's use that. ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin) traditional_path = $(HOME)/Documents/Arduino/ else traditional_path = $(HOME)/Arduino/ endif # use realpath to compare the real absolute path of the kaleidoscope dir # and the arduino bundle, even if they're symlinked into the Arudino/hardware dir ifeq ($(realpath $(traditional_path)/hardware/keyboardio/avr/libraries/Kaleidoscope), $(realpath $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR))) export ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER ?= $(traditional_path) endif # Otherwise, use the arduino-cli bundle export ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER ?= $(ARDUINO_CONTENT)/user # If we're not calling setup, we should freak out if the hardware # definitions don't exist ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),setup) ifeq ($(wildcard $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER)/hardware/keyboardio/avr/boards.txt),) $(info Kaleidoscope hardware definitions not found in) $(info $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER)) $(info ) $(info You may be able to resolve this issue by running the following command) $(info to initialize Kaleidoscope ) $(info ) $(info $(MAKE) -C $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR) setup ) $(info ) $(error ) endif endif arduino_env = ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER=$(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER) \ ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA=$(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA) ifeq ($(ARDUINO_CLI_PATH),) system_arduino_cli ?= $(shell command -v arduino-cli || true) ifeq ($(system_arduino_cli),) export ARDUINO_CLI_PATH ?= $(KALEIDOSCOPE_BIN_DIR)/arduino-cli else export ARDUINO_CLI_PATH ?= $(system_arduino_cli) endif endif export ARDUINO_CLI ?= $(arduino_env) $(ARDUINO_CLI_PATH) ifneq ($(VERBOSE),) $(info Using ardino-cli from $(ARDUINO_CLI_PATH)) endif ifneq ($(FQBN),) fqbn_arg = --fqbn $(FQBN) endif # if we don't have a sketch, make a pretend one so we can run --show properties # This is because arduino-cli doesn't currently allow us to get props with # just an FQBN. We've filed a bug with them ifeq ($(SKETCH_FILE_PATH),) _arduino_props_sketch_arg = $(KALEIDOSCOPE_ETC_DIR)/dummy-sketch/ else _arduino_props_sketch_arg = $(SKETCH_FILE_PATH) endif # This is horrible. But because make doesn't really support # multi-line variables and we want to cache the full # _arduino_props in a variable, which means letting make # split the properties on space, which is what it converts # newlines into. To make this go, we we need to replace interior # spaces in the variables with something. We chose the fire # emoji, since it accurately represents our feelings on this # state of affairs. Later, when finding props, we need to reverse # this process, turning fire into space. _arduino_props := $(shell ${ARDUINO_CLI} compile $(fqbn_arg) --show-properties "$(_arduino_props_sketch_arg)"|perl -p -e"s/ /🔥/g") _arduino_prop = $(subst $1=,,$(subst 🔥, ,$(filter $1=%,$(_arduino_props)))) # How to use_arduino_prop # $(call _arduino_prop,recipe.hooks.sketch.prebuild.2.pattern) ifneq ($(KALEIDOSCOPE_CCACHE),) ccache_wrapper_property := --build-properties "compiler.wrapper.cmd=ccache" endif .PHONY: configure-arduino-cli install-arduino-core-kaleidoscope install-arduino-core-avr .PHONY: stupid-workaround-for-make-inclusion-semantics stupid-workaround-for-make-inclusion-semantics: DEFAULT_GOAL @: # This is here so that the sketch makefile including this file doesn't @: # default to arduino-cli installation as its priamry target $(KALEIDOSCOPE_BIN_DIR)/arduino-cli: $(QUIET) curl -fsSL | BINDIR="$(KALEIDOSCOPE_BIN_DIR)" sh install-arduino-cli: $(KALEIDOSCOPE_BIN_DIR)/arduino-cli configure-arduino-cli: $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA)/arduino-cli.yaml $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_DATA)/arduino-cli.yaml: $(QUIET) $(ARDUINO_CLI) config init arduino-update-cores: $(QUIET) $(ARDUINO_CLI) core update-index install-arduino-core-kaleidoscope: arduino-update-cores $(QUIET) $(ARDUINO_CLI) core install "keyboardio:avr" install-arduino-core-avr: arduino-update-cores $(QUIET) $(ARDUINO_CLI) core install "arduino:avr"