#pragma once // Mouse-related 'public' API methods double mouse_accel (double cycles); void handle_mouse_key_press(byte switchState, Key mappedKey, char &x, char &y); void move_mouse( char x, char y); void begin_warping(); void end_warping(); void warp_mouse(Key key); // apparently, the mac discards 15% of the value space for mouse movement. // need to test this on other platforms #define MAX_WARP_WIDTH 32767 #define MAX_WARP_HEIGHT 32767 // Mouse acceleration // we want the whole s curve, not just the bit // that's usually above the x and y axes; #define ATAN_LIMIT 1.57079633 #define ACCELERATION_FLOOR 0.25 #define ACCELERATION_MULTIPLIER 5 #define ACCELERATION_RUNWAY 5 // Climb speed is how fast we get to max speed // 1 is "instant" // 0.05 is just right // 0.001 is insanely slow #define ACCELERATION_CLIMB_SPEED 0.05