#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec; my $text_filename = ""; my $cxx_filename = ""; my $verbose; my $cxx_output = ""; my $depth = 0; my $reports_expected = 0; my @script_lines; my $named_switches = {}; GetOptions( "cxx=s" => \$cxx_filename, # string "ktest=s" => \$text_filename, "verbose" => \$verbose ) # flag or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); my $test; if ( -f $text_filename ) { load_from_text(); } else { die "Couldn't find $text_filename"; } generate_test_file(); open(my $outfile, ">", $cxx_filename) || die "Can't open output file $!"; print $outfile $cxx_output; close ($outfile); exit(0); sub load_from_text { my @content = (); open( my $text_fh, "<", $text_filename ) or die "Can't open file $!"; my $line_num = 0; for my $line (<$text_fh>) { my ( $key, $content, $comment, $error, $type ); $line_num++; chomp $line; $line =~ s/^\s+//; if ( $line eq '' ) { next; } if ( $line =~ /^(.*?)\s*#\s+(.*)$/ ) { $line = $1; $comment = $2; } if ( $line =~ /^(.*?)\s+(.*)\s*$/ ) { $type = lc $1; $content = $2; } else { $error = "Couldn't parse line"; } my $dispatcher = { version => sub { my $version = shift; if ($version != 1) { die "This parser only supports v1"; } return undef; }, type => sub { my $type = shift; $type =~ s/\s//g; $test->{type} = $type; return undef; }, name => sub { my $name = shift; $name =~ s/\s//g; $test->{name} = $name; return undef; }, keyswitch => sub { my $content = shift; if ( $content =~ /^(.*)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/ ) { my $switch = $1; my $row = $2; my $col = $3; if ( exists $named_switches->{$switch} ) { die "Attempted to redefine '$switch' on line $line_num"; } else { $named_switches->{$switch} = [ $row, $col ]; } return undef; } }, press => sub { my $content = shift; unless ( defined $named_switches->{$content} ) { die "Attempt to press undefined switch $content on line $line_num"; } return { switch => $content }; }, release => sub { my $content = shift; unless ( defined $named_switches->{$content} ) { die "Attempt to press undefined switch $content on line $line_num"; } return { switch => $content }; }, expect => sub { my $content = shift; if ( $content =~ /^keyboard-report\s+(.*)$/ ) { my $report_data = $1; my @keys = split( /,?\s+/, $report_data ); if ( $#keys == 0 && $keys[0] =~ /^empty$/i ) { @keys = (); } return { report_type => 'keyboard', keys => [@keys] }; } else { die "Don't know how parse $content at line $line_num"; } }, run => sub { my $content = shift; if ( $content =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\w+)$/ ) { my $count = $1; my $unit = $2; if ( $unit =~ /cycle/ ) { return { cycles => $count }; } elsif ( $unit =~ /milli|ms/ ) { return { millis => $count }; } else { die "Line $line_num: failed to parse a 'run' clause: $content"; } } else { die "Line $line_num: failed to parse a 'run' clause: $content"; } }, }; my $data; if ( $type && exists $dispatcher->{$type} ) { $data = $dispatcher->{$type}->($content); # an empty return means "don't put it in the script if (!$data) { next; } } push @content, { action => $type, content => $content, comment => $comment, data => $data, line_num => $line_num }; } close ($text_fh); @script_lines = @content; } sub generate_test_file { my $preface = <rel2abs( $text_filename ) ]} SETUP_GOOGLETEST(); namespace kaleidoscope { namespace testing { namespace { class KeyboardReports : public VirtualDeviceTest {}; EOF for my $line (split/\n/,$preface) { cxx($line); } cxx( "TEST_F(" . $test->{type} . "," . $test->{name} . ") {" ); indent(); generate_key_addrs(); generate_script( ); outdent(); cxx("} // TEST_F"); my $postscript = <{$key}->[0] . ", " . $named_switches->{$key}->[1] . "};" ); } } sub generate_script { cxx_section("Test script"); $reports_expected = 0; for my $entry (@script_lines) { if ($entry->{comment} && (! $entry->{action} ) ) { cxx_comment($entry->{comment}); } elsif (my $action = $entry->{action} ) { if ( $action eq 'press' ) { generate_press( $entry ) } elsif ( $action eq 'release' ) { generate_release( $entry ); } elsif ( $action eq 'run' ) { generate_run( $entry ) } elsif ( $action eq 'expect' ) { generate_expect_report( $entry ); } else { die "$action unknown on line $entry->{line_num}"; } } } if ($reports_expected) { generate_check_expected_reports(); } } sub generate_run { my $action = shift; if ( $action->{'comment'} ) { cxx_comment( $action->{'comment'} ); } if ( $action->{data}->{'cycles'} ) { cxx( 'sim_.RunCycles(' . $action->{data}->{'cycles'} . ');' ); } elsif ( $action->{data}->{'millis'} ) { cxx( 'sim_.RunForMillis(' . $action->{data}->{'millis'} . ');' ); } } sub generate_press { my $e = shift; # TODO handle multuple presses cxx( "PressKey(key_addr_" . $e->{data}->{switch} . ");" , $e->{comment}); } sub generate_release { my $e = shift; # TODO handle multiple releases cxx( "ReleaseKey(key_addr_" . $e->{data}->{switch} . ");" , $e->{comment}); } sub generate_expect_report { my $report = shift; $reports_expected++; my $codes = join( ", ", ( ref( $report->{data}->{keys} ) ? @{ $report->{data}->{keys} } : ( $report->{data}->{keys} ) ) ); cxx( "ExpectReport(Keycodes{$codes}, \"" . $report->{comment} . "\");" ); cxx(""); } sub generate_check_expected_reports { cxx(""); cxx(""); cxx("CHECK_EXPECTED_REPORTS();"); cxx(""); } sub indent { $depth += 2; } sub outdent { $depth -= 2; if ( $depth < 0 ) { die "Tried to outdent beyond 0"; } } sub cxx_section { my $line = shift; cxx(''); cxx(''); cxx_comment($line); cxx_comment( "=" x length($line) ); cxx(''); cxx(''); } sub cxx_comment { my $line = shift; cxx( "// " . $line ); } sub cxx { my $line = shift; my $comment = shift || ''; $cxx_output .= " " x $depth; $cxx_output .= $line; $cxx_output .= $comment if ($comment); $cxx_output .= "\n"; if ($verbose) { debug("$line"); } } sub debug { my $msg = shift; print STDERR ( " " x $depth ) . $msg . "\n"; }