# This makefile for a Kaleidoscope sketch pulls in all the targets # required to build the example # Compile without deprecated code to save space LOCAL_CFLAGS ?= -DNDEPRECATED -DONESHOT_WITHOUT_METASTICKY ifneq ($(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR),) search_path += $(KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR) endif ifneq ($(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER),) search_path += $(ARDUINO_DIRECTORIES_USER)/hardware/keyboardio/avr/libraries/Kaleidoscope endif ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin) search_path += $(HOME)/Documents/Arduino/hardware/keyboardio/avr/libraries/Kaleidoscope else search_path += $(HOME)/Arduino/hardware/keyboardio/avr/libraries/Kaleidoscope endif sketch_makefile := etc/makefiles/sketch.mk $(foreach candidate, $(search_path), $(if $(wildcard $(candidate)/$(sketch_makefile)), $(eval ks_dir ?= $(candidate)))) ifneq ($(ks_dir),) $(info Using Kaleidoscope from $(ks_dir)) export KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR := $(ks_dir) include $(ks_dir)/$(sketch_makefile) else $(info I can't find your Kaleidoscope installation.) $(info ) $(info I tried looking in:) $(info ) $(foreach candidate, $(search_path), $(info $(candidate))) $(info ) $(info The easiest way to fix this is to set the 'KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR' environment) $(info variable to the location of your Kaleidoscope directory.) endif null-target: $(info You should never see this message) @: