Merge pull request #617 from CapeLeidokos/ng_dynamic_led_modes
Introduced dynamic LED modespull/632/head
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/* Kaleidoscope-LEDControl - LED control plugin for Kaleidoscope
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#include <kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDMode.h>
#include <kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDControl.h>
#include <kaleidoscope/event_handler_result.h>
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace plugin {
void LEDModeInterface::activate() {
} // end namespace plugin
} // end namespace kaleidoscope
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
/* Kaleidoscope-LEDControl - LED control plugin for Kaleidoscope
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin.h"
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace internal {
// Forward declaration
class LEDModeManager;
} // end namespace internal
namespace plugin {
class LEDModeInterface {
void activate();
// This auxiliary class helps to generate a verbose error message
// in case that there is no TransientLEDMode typedef or nested
// class present in a derived class of LEDModeInterface.
struct _____LEDModeInterface_derived_class_is_missing_a_TransientLEDMode_typedef_or_nested_class_____ {};
typedef _____LEDModeInterface_derived_class_is_missing_a_TransientLEDMode_typedef_or_nested_class_____ NoLEDMode;
// By redefining TransientLEDMode, derived plugins export
// a LED mode that becomes part of the set of LED modes whose
// lifetime is handled dynamically.
typedef NoLEDMode DynamicLEDMode;
class AccessTransientLEDMode {
// This method is called when a plugin's LED mode is activated.
// Derived plugins may reimplement it to store the id of their
// exported LED mode. A plugin can thus check
// whether their LED mode is currently active.
void registerLEDModeActivated(uint8_t led_mode_id) {
led_mode_id_ = led_mode_id;
uint8_t led_mode_id_ = 255; /* 255 means uninitialized */
/** Base class for LED modes.
* LED modes are a special kind of plugin, they are in charge of updating LED
* colors, setting a theme. While it is possible to have other plugins
* override the mode's colors, the LED mode is the baseline.
* Most of its functionality is called via @ref LEDControl, with only a few
* public methods.
* A LED mode **must** implement at least one of @ref onActivate or @ref
* update, and possibly @ref refreshAt too.
class LEDMode : public kaleidoscope::Plugin,
public LEDModeInterface {
friend class LEDControl;
friend class kaleidoscope::internal::LEDModeManager;
// These methods should only be called by LEDControl.
/** One-time setup, called at keyboard boot.
* Any hooks that need registering, any one-time setup that needs to be
* performed, shall be done here. This is purely for preparation purposes, the
* LEDs should not be touched yet at this time.
virtual void setup(void) {}
/** Function to call whenever the mode is activated.
* Like @ref setup, this method need not touch LEDs, @ref update will be
* called right after it. The purpose of this callback is to allow a plugin to
* do some preparation whenever it is activated, instead of only on boot, or
* always at each cycle.
* However, unlike @ref setup, this method can change LED colors, if so
* desired. Either to provide an initial state, or a static color set. In the
* latter case, consider implementing @ref refreshAt too, because other
* plugins may override some of the colors set at activation time, and @ref
* refreshAt can be used to restore them when needed.
* Before the callback runs, LEDs will be blanked.
virtual void onActivate(void) {}
/** Update the LEDs once per cycle.
* Usually the brains of the plugin, which updates the LEDs each cycle. It is
* called after the matrix has been scanned, once per cycle.
virtual void update(void) {}
/** Refresh the color of a given key.
* If we have another plugin that overrides colors set by the active LED mode
* (either at @onActivate time, or via @ref update), if that plugin wants to
* restore whatever color the mode would set the key color to, this is the
* method it will call.
* @param row is the row coordinate of the key to refresh the color of.
* @param col is the column coordinate of the key to refresh the color of.
virtual void refreshAt(byte row, byte col) {}
/** Plugin initialization.
* Called via `Kaleidoscope.use()`, registers the LED mode, and does the
* necessary initialization steps. Calls @ref setup at the end.
kaleidoscope::EventHandlerResult onSetup() {
return EventHandlerResult::OK;
} // end namespace plugin
} // end namespace kaleidoscope
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#include "kaleidoscope_internal/LEDModeManager.h"
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDMode.h"
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// We want to export as little symbols as possible. That's why the
// internal state of the LED mode management lives in
// an anonymous namespace.
uint8_t cur_mode_id = 255; // We use 255 as a flag value that signals
// uninitialized. That's why we can only have
// LED mode ids in the range [0..254].
// A pointer to cache the current transient LED mode.
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *cur_led_mode = nullptr;
bool current_led_mode_dynamic = false;
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *LEDModeManager::getLEDMode(uint8_t mode_id) {
// If we end up here, the requested LED mode is a dynamic one.
// Check if the requested LED mode is already active
if (cur_mode_id == mode_id) {
return cur_led_mode;
// If there is already an active LED mode, its obviously the wrong one
// (see test above). To generate a new transient LED mode, we need
// to destroy the current one. To achieve this, we call its
// (possibly - see explanation below) virtual destuctor and let
// it take care of the cleanup.
// Please note that due to the fact that transient LED modes are
// allocated using placement new within a pre-existing static buffer,
// there is no need to free any memory after the destructor of the
// current LED mode was called. We can just reuse the buffer
// for the next LED mode instance.
// Please note: Currently, LEDMode has no virtual destructor.
// That's why the explicit destructor call below is a noop
// that is optimized out by the compiler. It is there
// to enable the possible future introduction of a virtual
// destructor for class LEDMode.
// A virtual destructor would enable LEDModes to do any types of
// cleanup on destruction. But as it's a virtual method,
// introducing such a destructor would create additional
// entries in vtables and mean higher PROGMEM consumption.
// If it will be introduced in future versions of Kaleidoscope
// uncomment the commented lines below.
if (current_led_mode_dynamic) {
// Store the current mode id to enable cache access (see above).
cur_mode_id = mode_id;
// Get a factory struct for the creation of the new LED mode.
led_mode_management::LEDModeFactory fac;
retreiveLEDModeFactoryFromPROGMEM(mode_id, fac);
// The factories for persistent LED modes serve to pass through the LED
// mode plugin's pointer in parent_plugin_.
if (fac.isPersistentLEDMode()) {
current_led_mode_dynamic = false;
cur_led_mode = fac.getPersistentLEDMode();
} else {
current_led_mode_dynamic = true;
// Generate a new led mode by calling the factory function
// (fac.generate_led_mode_).
// We store a pointer to the newly created LED mode to enable
// cached access (see check above).
cur_led_mode = fac.generateTransientLEDMode(led_mode_buffer_, mode_id);
return cur_led_mode;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace kaleidoscope
@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "kaleidoscope_internal/array_like_storage.h"
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin.h"
#include "kaleidoscope/plugin/LEDMode.h"
#include "kaleidoscope_internal/type_traits/has_method.h"
#include <stddef.h>
// To enable placement new, we need to supply a global operator
// function.
inline void* operator new (size_t, void* __p) throw() {
return __p;
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace plugin {
// Forward declarations to avoid header inclusions
class LEDControl;
class LEDModeInterface;
} // end namespace plugin
namespace internal {
namespace led_mode_management {
template<bool T> struct Bool2Type {};
// Functions of this type allocate a new LED mode within a global
// buffer and give it access to it's parent plugin.
// This allows a transient LED mode to access member data of its parent
// plugin, which can help to reduce its RAM footprint.
// Some transient LED modes might ignore the parent pointer entirely, e.g. if
// they do not have a configurable internal state.
// We use a factory function instead of a polymorphic
// class to generate LED modes. By this means we can avoid the additional
// cost of vtables which safes some program memory.
// Conceptually, the factory function approach is similar to having
// a polymorphic class with only one method, that is accessed directly
// instead of the detour via the vtable.
typedef kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode*
(*LEDModeFactoryFunc)(void *raw_buffer,
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *parent_plugin,
uint8_t mode_id
template<typename ParentPlugin__>
inline void registerLEDModeActivated(Bool2Type<true>,
ParentPlugin__ *parent_plugin,
uint8_t mode_id) {
template<typename ParentPlugin__>
inline void registerLEDModeActivated(Bool2Type<false>,
ParentPlugin__ *parent_plugin,
uint8_t mode_id) {
// Noop
DEFINE_HAS_METHOD_TRAITS(Plugin, registerLEDModeActivated, void, (uint8_t led_mode_id))
// A templated implementation of LEDModeFactoryFunc.
// Please note that the actual type of ParentPlugin__ is only
// known to the context where the function is invoked or in our case
// the function pointer to generateLEDMode is generated (at compile time).
// The caller can be completely agnostic of ParentPlugin__ an just pass
// a pointer to kaleidoscope::Plugin for argument parent_plugin.
// The function generateLEDMode knows the actual type of parent_plugin.
// Or, more precise, we can rely on the fact that we store a pointer to a plugin
// of appropriate type together with the generateLEDMode-pointer in
// an LEDModeFactory instance in PROGMEM. Thus, generateLEDMode will only
// be called with a parent_plugin of appropriate type.
template<typename ParentPlugin__>
static kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *
generateLEDMode(void *raw_buffer,
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *parent_plugin,
uint8_t mode_id
) {
// We know the type of the parent plugin via the template parameter
// ParentPlugin__, thus it is safe to cast to the actual type.
auto parent_plugin_actual = static_cast<ParentPlugin__*>(parent_plugin);
// Types defined by template parameters like ParentPlugin__ must
// be declared explicitly using the "typename" keyword.
// Because of this lengthy syntax, we use a typedef to
// shorten the constructor call below.
typedef typename ParentPlugin__::TransientLEDMode TLM;
// Generate a transient LED mode within the LED mode buffer.
auto led_mode_ptr
= new (raw_buffer) TLM{parent_plugin_actual};
constexpr bool accesses_transient_led_mode
= Plugin_HasMethod_registerLEDModeActivated<ParentPlugin__>::value;
// Register the newly created LED mode with its parent plugin.
// Please note that this call is optimized away by the compiler
// for all those plugins that do not reimplement registerLEDModeActivated.
parent_plugin_actual, mode_id);
return led_mode_ptr;
// A data structure that contains all the information that is required
// to generate a transient LED mode. Instances of this class are stored
// in an array-like data structure in PROGMEM.
struct LEDModeFactory {
// Don't try to make this a class with a constructor. This
// will turn it into a non POD which cannot be used as
// return type of a constexpr.
bool isPersistentLEDMode() const {
return !generate_led_mode_;
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *getPersistentLEDMode() const {
return static_cast<kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode*>(parent_plugin_);
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *generateTransientLEDMode(
uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t mode_id) const {
return (*generate_led_mode_)(buffer, parent_plugin_, mode_id);
bool isAssociatedWithPlugin(kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *plugin) const {
return parent_plugin_ == plugin;
kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *parent_plugin_;
LEDModeFactoryFunc generate_led_mode_;
// The traits class remove_pointer is part of the C++ standard library
// but not present on Arduino.
template< class T > struct remove_pointer {
typedef T type;
template< class T > struct remove_pointer<T*> {
typedef T type;
enum PluginType {
// The following three functions enable determining the PluginType
// at compile time by examining a constexpr pointer to one of the
// global plugin instances (pointers to global variables/objects are
// constexpr).
static constexpr int ledModePluginType(kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *) {
return PluginType_PersistentLEDMode;
static constexpr int ledModePluginType(kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *) {
return PluginType_TransientLEDMode;
// Invoked for all plugins that inherit neither from LEDMode
// nor from LEDModeInterface.
static constexpr bool ledModePluginType(void *) {
return PluginType_NoLEDMode;
// The following traits classes are used to distinguish between three cases
// 1) A plugin is unrelated to LEDModes (i.e. non of the other two applies).
// 2) A plugin is an old syle persistent LEDMode (plugin is derived from
// LED mode = persistent LED mode)
// 3) A plugin exports a LED mode with dynamic lifetime (= transient LED mode)
// Checks if a plugin is related to LED modes in any kind of ways.
// This traits check if for a plugin
// an entry in the plugin factories array needs to be reserved.
constexpr bool pluginControlsLEDMode(int led_mode_plugin_type) {
return led_mode_plugin_type != PluginType_NoLEDMode;
// The template GenerateLEDModeFactory generates LED mode factories
// in three different ways, depending on the type of a plugin (PluginType)
// Generates a dummy factory (discarded at compile time) for
// those plugins that are unrelated to LED modes. This template
// is selected for LEDModePluginType__ == NoLEDMode.
template<int LEDModePluginType__>
struct GenerateLEDModeFactory {
static constexpr LEDModeFactory apply(kaleidoscope::Plugin */* non LED mode plugin*/) {
return LEDModeFactory{nullptr, nullptr};
struct GenerateLEDModeFactory<PluginType_TransientLEDMode> {
// This version of apply must be templated as we must know the actual
// type of plugin as the instanciatioin of template function
// generateLEDMode depends upon it.
template<typename Plugin__>
static constexpr LEDModeFactory apply(Plugin__ *plugin) {
return LEDModeFactory{
generateLEDMode<Plugin__> // pointer to template instantiation of
// generateLEDMode<...>
struct GenerateLEDModeFactory<PluginType_PersistentLEDMode> {
static constexpr LEDModeFactory apply(kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDModeInterface *plugin) {
// For persistent LED modes, we use the LED factory to simply store
// the plugin pointer (a persistent LED mode is itself the LEDMode).
// Thus, no factory function is required.
return LEDModeFactory{plugin, nullptr};
// The following template TransientLEDModeSize is used to determine
// the size of a transient LED mode. It is only active for dynamic
// LED modes. For all other plugins, it simply returns zero.
template<typename PluginPtr__, int LEDModePluginType__>
struct TransientLEDModeSize {
static constexpr size_t value = 0;
template<typename PluginPtr__>
struct TransientLEDModeSize<PluginPtr__, PluginType_TransientLEDMode> {
typedef typename remove_pointer<PluginPtr__>::type Plugin__;
static constexpr size_t value = sizeof(typename Plugin__::TransientLEDMode);
// This helper class serves to determine the maximum memory footprint
// of any transient LED mode in the sketch.
// It implements a template type recursion
// that examins all specified LED modes. For this calculation
// it is no problem that also the type NoLEDMode is considered
// in this check as it is an empty class (size == 1 byte) and
// thus does not affect the maximum size computation.
template<typename PluginPtr__, typename...MorePluginPtrs__>
struct TransientLEDModeMaxSize {
static constexpr size_t this_size
= TransientLEDModeSize<PluginPtr__, ledModePluginType(PluginPtr__())>::value;
static constexpr size_t nested_size = TransientLEDModeMaxSize<MorePluginPtrs__...>::value;
static constexpr size_t value = (this_size > nested_size) ? this_size : nested_size;
// Specialization to end recursion
template<typename PluginPtr__>
struct TransientLEDModeMaxSize<PluginPtr__> {
static constexpr size_t value = TransientLEDModeSize<PluginPtr__, ledModePluginType(PluginPtr__())>::value;
} // end namespace led_mode_management
class LEDModeManager {
// Everything in this class private on purpose.
// Only the class LEDControl is supposed to gain
// access to any inventory of this class to ensure that
// the handling of transient LED modes is safely handled
// by a well defined central instance.
friend class kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDControl;
static uint8_t numLEDModes();
#if 0
// This method could be used in rare cases
// where a stack allocation of a LED mode may not be avoided.
template<typename ParentPlugin__>
static auto
generateLEDModeTemporary(void *raw_buffer,
ParentPlugin__ *parent_plugin
) -> typename ParentPlugin__::TransientLEDMode * {
auto led_mode = static_cast<typename ParentPlugin__::TransientLEDMode *>(
0 /*dummy*/
parent_plugin->registerLEDModeActivated(255 /* dymmy to disable access
to transient LED modes through LEDControl */
return led_mode;
// For the sake of convenience make type LEDModeFactory
// available in class namespace
typedef led_mode_management::LEDModeFactory LEDModeFactory;
static kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *getLEDMode(uint8_t mode_id);
static void retreiveLEDModeFactoryFromPROGMEM(uint8_t mode_id,
LEDModeFactory &fac);
static void setupPersistentLEDModes();
// Persistent LED mode plugins are derived from kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode.
// The standard dictates that for them this more specialized overload
// of setupLEDMode is supposed to be called instead of the more
// general one below.
static void setupLEDMode(kaleidoscope::plugin::LEDMode *persistent_led_mode) {
static void setupLEDMode(kaleidoscope::Plugin */*not_a_persistent_led_mode*/) {}
static uint8_t led_mode_buffer_[];
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace kaleidoscope
// Some auxiliary macros that are mapped to the list of
// plugins defined via KALEIDOSCOPE_INIT_PLUGINS follow.
// Evaluates to a boolean value that signals whether
// a plugin is related to LED modes and thus needs to be considered
// during setup of the LED mode factory array.
// Generates a LEDModeFactory for each plugin. For all those
// plugins that do not export transient LED modes, a nullptr-initialized
// factory is created. This does not mean a performance penalty, as
// those empty factories are then directly discarded, still at compile time.
kaleidoscope::internal::led_mode_management __NL__ \
// Retreive the pointer type of the exported transient LED mode of a plugin.
#define _INIT_LED_MODE_MANAGER(...) \
namespace kaleidoscope { __NL__ \
namespace internal { __NL__ \
namespace led_mode_management { __NL__ \
__NL__ \
/* Setup the array-like data structure that stores __NL__ \
* LEDModeFactories */ __NL__ \
typedef kaleidoscope::internal::ArrayLikeStorage< __NL__ \
LEDModeFactory, __NL__ \
/* Map the list of global plugin __NL__ \
* objects to a list of led mode __NL__ \
* factories */ __NL__ \
MAP_LIST( __NL__ \
/* Generate a series of boolean values. True for __NL__ \
* each plugin that is related to LED modes, __NL__ \
* false otherwise. */ __NL__ \
__VA_ARGS__ __NL__ \
) __NL__ \
> ArrayType; __NL__ \
__NL__ \
/* Generate the actual instance of template class __NL__ \
* TypedPluginArray and initialize it with a list of __NL__ \
* LEDModeFactories. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
const PROGMEM ArrayType led_mode_factories( __NL__ \
MAP_LIST( __NL__ \
__VA_ARGS__ __NL__ \
) __NL__ \
); __NL__ \
} /* end namespace led_mode_management */ __NL__ \
__NL__ \
/* Store the number of LEDModeFactories. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
const PROGMEM uint8_t num_led_modes __NL__ \
= led_mode_management::ArrayType::n_entries; __NL__ \
__NL__ \
uint8_t LEDModeManager::numLEDModes() { __NL__ \
return pgm_read_byte(&num_led_modes); __NL__ \
} __NL__ \
__NL__ \
void LEDModeManager::retreiveLEDModeFactoryFromPROGMEM( __NL__ \
uint8_t mode_id, __NL__ \
LEDModeFactory &fac) { __NL__ \
memcpy_P(&fac, __NL__ \
&reinterpret_cast<const LEDModeFactory*>( __NL__ \
&led_mode_management::led_mode_factories __NL__ \
)[mode_id], __NL__ \
sizeof(LEDModeFactory) __NL__ \
); __NL__ \
} __NL__ \
__NL__ \
static constexpr size_t max_led_mode_size __NL__ \
= led_mode_management::TransientLEDModeMaxSize< __NL__ \
MAP_LIST( __NL__ \
__VA_ARGS__ __NL__ \
) __NL__ \
>::value; __NL__ \
__NL__ \
/* This buffer is dimensioned in a way that it can hold __NL__ \
* the largest of all transient LED modes defined in the sketch. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
uint8_t LEDModeManager::led_mode_buffer_[max_led_mode_size]; __NL__ \
__NL__ \
void LEDModeManager::setupPersistentLEDModes() { __NL__ \
MAP( __NL__ \
__VA_ARGS__ __NL__ \
) __NL__ \
} __NL__ \
} /* end namespace internal */ __NL__ \
} /* end namespace kaleidoscope */
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace internal {
// The ArrayLikeStorage class stores data of a specific
// type in a recursive fashion. It is used to generate array like
// data structures at compile time that are initialized from a
// list of entities only a subset of which is supposed to be
// stored in the container.
template<typename StoredType__,
bool IsAppropriateType__,
class ArrayLikeStorage {
typedef ArrayLikeStorage<StoredType__, MoreTypeInfo__...> NestedArray;
constexpr ArrayLikeStorage(StoredType__ entry, MoreEntities__...more_entities)
: entry_(entry),
nested_array_(more_entities...) {}
static constexpr uint8_t n_entries
= NestedArray::n_entries + 1;
typedef StoredType__ ContentType;
StoredType__ entry_;
NestedArray nested_array_;
} __attribute__((packed)); // Make sure that there are no padding
// bytes added by the compiler.
// This is important to let the class
// have the same layout as a POD array.
template<typename StoredType__,
class ArrayLikeStorage<StoredType__,
false /* Not of appropriate type */,
MoreTypeInfo__...> {
typedef ArrayLikeStorage<StoredType__, MoreTypeInfo__...> NestedArray;
template<typename AnyType__, typename...MoreEntities__>
constexpr ArrayLikeStorage(AnyType__/* non-matching entity */,
: nested_array_(more_entities...) {}
static constexpr uint8_t n_entries
= NestedArray::n_entries;
typedef StoredType__ ContentType;
NestedArray nested_array_;
} __attribute__((packed));
template<typename StoredType__>
struct ArrayLikeStorage<StoredType__, true /* is of appropriate type */> {
constexpr ArrayLikeStorage(StoredType__ entry)
: entry_(entry)
static constexpr uint8_t n_entries = 1;
typedef StoredType__ ContentType;
StoredType__ entry_;
} __attribute__((packed));
template<typename StoredType__>
struct ArrayLikeStorage<StoredType__, false /* not of appropriate type */> {
template<typename AnyType__>
constexpr ArrayLikeStorage(AnyType__/* non-matching entity */) {}
static constexpr uint8_t n_entries = 0;
typedef StoredType__ ContentType;
} __attribute__((packed));
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace kaleidoscope
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "kaleidoscope/macro_helpers.h"
__NL__ \
/* This traits checks if a class of type Class__ __NL__ \
* implements a method with given signature. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
template<typename Class__> __NL__ \
struct PREFIX##_HasMethod_##METHOD_NAME __NL__ \
{ __NL__ \
/* Define a pointer to member function with the correct __NL__ \
* argument signature. The newly defined type is named __NL__ \
* MethodType__. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
typedef RETURN_TYPE (Class__::*MethodType__)ARGUMENTS; __NL__ \
__NL__ \
/* This is an application of the SFINAE concept. __NL__ \
* We check if Class__ defines a method with given name and __NL__ \
* signature. This is done by forcing the compiler __NL__ \
* through a static cast to select the respective method __NL__ \
* if possible. If the method signature cannot be found, __NL__ \
* the substitution fails and the first version of method "test" __NL__ \
* will not be defined. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
template <typename ClassAux__> __NL__ \
static constexpr __NL__ \
/* The following decltype-clause defines the function return type __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
decltype( __NL__ \
/* If &ClassAux__::METHOD_NAME exists and is of type __NL__ \
* MethodType__, the list below evaluates to bool{} whose __NL__ \
* type can be determined. Otherwise the comma expression __NL__ \
* cannot be evaluated and the content __NL__ \
* of decltype is undefined and this function overload __NL__ \
* is ignored by the compiler __NL__ \
* (SFINAE = substitution failure is not an error) __NL__ \
* and the test(...) overload is used instead. __NL__ \
*/ __NL__ \
static_cast<MethodType__>(&ClassAux__::METHOD_NAME), bool{} __NL__ \
) __NL__ \
test(int /* unused */) __NL__ \
{ __NL__ \
return true; __NL__ \
} __NL__ \
__NL__ \
template <typename ClassAux__> __NL__ \
static constexpr bool test(...) __NL__ \
{ __NL__ \
return false; __NL__ \
} __NL__ \
__NL__ \
static constexpr bool value = test<Class__>(int{}); __NL__ \
Reference in new issue