Pick a directory to work in, you'll need to clone multiple repositories. We'll assume you picked `$HOME/keyboardio`, if you chose another adapt the commands below accordingly.
Setup the Arduino IDE on your system. Make sure you install at least version 1.6, since older version may not support all required features.
* On Linux, follow the instructions [on the wiki](https://github.com/keyboardio/KeyboardioFirmware/wiki/Arduino-Setup-Linux).
* On macOS, install using [homebrew](http://brew.sh/) [cask](https://caskroom.github.io/) with `brew cask install arduino` or download the application from [the official website](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software) and move it to your `/Applications` folder.
## Install the Keyboardio Hardware Definitions
# you'll need to know your arduino sketchbook directory