/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Keyboard.io, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace bitfields {
namespace internal {
// To store the bitfield we use a recursively defined template struct.
// It contains one byte of storage and a nested template struct
// that wraps the remaining bytes. A specialization of the template
// is used to end the recursion.
// By tagging the struct with __attribute__((packed)), we make sure
// that no padding bytes are added between the struct instances
// if the struct is used on non-8 bit architectures. This is important
// to ensure that all bytes are stored contiguously like it is the
// case in an intrinsic array.
template<uint8_t Byte_Count__>
struct _Bitfield {
uint8_t byte_;
_Bitfield < Byte_Count__ - 1 > more_bytes_;
// The constructor initializes the first eight bits that are stored
// in this struct and passes the remaining bits on to the nested
// more_bytes_ struct.
template<typename ... Bits__>
constexpr _Bitfield(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3,
uint8_t b4, uint8_t b5, uint8_t b6, uint8_t b7,
Bits__ ... bits)
: byte_(b0 << 0
| b1 << 1
| b2 << 2
| b3 << 3
| b4 << 4
| b5 << 5
| b6 << 6
| b7 << 7),
} __attribute__((packed));
// A specialization that stores any remaining 1 to 8 bits. Any bits that
// are unused are zeroed by default.
struct _Bitfield<1 /* the last byte */> {
uint8_t byte_;
constexpr _Bitfield(uint8_t b0 = 0, uint8_t b1 = 0, uint8_t b2 = 0, uint8_t b3 = 0,
uint8_t b4 = 0, uint8_t b5 = 0, uint8_t b6 = 0, uint8_t b7 = 0)
: byte_(b0 << 0
| b1 << 1
| b2 << 2
| b3 << 3
| b4 << 4
| b5 << 5
| b6 << 6
| b7 << 7)
} __attribute__((packed));
// A common base class that provides methods to access the bits in
// a _Bitfield instance by treating it as a raw array.
class _BaseBitfield {
static bool isBitSetP(const void *bit_field, uint8_t raw_pos);
static void setBitP(void *bit_field, uint8_t raw_pos, uint8_t val);
static bool isBitSetPROGMEM_P(const void *bit_field, uint8_t raw_pos);
} // end namespace internal
// This is the actual user class.
template<size_t BitCount__>
class Bitfield : public internal::_BaseBitfield {
static constexpr size_t nBytesForBits(size_t n_bits) {
return (n_bits % 8) ? n_bits / 8 + 1 : n_bits / 8;
static constexpr size_t n_bits_ = BitCount__;
static constexpr size_t n_bytes_ = nBytesForBits(BitCount__);
template<typename ... Bits__>
constexpr Bitfield(Bits__...bits) : bits_(bits...) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Bits__) == n_bits_,
"Invalid number of bits supplied to Bitfield<BitCount__> constructor. \n"
"Compare the number of bits supplied with the provided template \n"
"parameter BitCount__ to find out what went wrong.\n");
bool isBitSet(uint8_t raw_pos) const {
return isBitSetP(&bits_, raw_pos);
bool isBitSetPROGMEM(uint8_t raw_pos) const {
return isBitSetPROGMEM_P(&bits_, raw_pos);
void setBit(uint8_t raw_pos, uint8_t val) {
setBitP(&bits_, raw_pos, val);
// An operator to query bits.
// Note: This assumes bitfield to be stored in PROGMEM. Use the
// access method isBitSet(raw_pos) otherwise.
constexpr bool operator[](uint8_t raw_pos) const {
return this->isBitSetPROGMEM_P(&bits_, raw_pos);
internal::_Bitfield<n_bytes_> bits_;
// The method generateBitfield may be used to conveniently create bitfields.
// auto my_bitfield = generateBitfield(1, 2, 3);
// Note: Due to a restriction in all gcc versions < 6.0
// this function cannot be called with the output of KEYMAP_STACKED(...)
// or KEYMAP(...) as its arguments.
constexpr Bitfield<sizeof...(Bits__)> generateBitfield(Bits__...bits) {
return Bitfield<sizeof...(Bits__)>(bits...);
// This auxiliary method determines the number of entries in a list.
namespace internal {
constexpr size_t nListEntries(Args__...) {
return sizeof...(Args__);
} // end namespace internal
// Defines a bitfield named VAR_NAME. Applies MODIFIER (could e.g. set to const PROGMEM).
constexpr size_t VAR_NAME##_n_bits __NL__ \
= kaleidoscope::bitfields::internal::nListEntries(__VA_ARGS__);__NL__ \
__NL__ \
MODIFIER kaleidoscope::bitfields::Bitfield<VAR_NAME##_n_bits> __NL__ \
BITFIELD(VAR_NAME, PER_KEY_DATA(0 /*default for non-existent keys*/, __VA_ARGS__))
BITFIELD_PROGMEM(VAR_NAME, PER_KEY_DATA(0 /*default for non-existent keys*/, __VA_ARGS__))
BITFIELD(VAR_NAME, PER_KEY_DATA_STACKED(0 /*default for non-existent keys*/, __VA_ARGS__))
BITFIELD_PROGMEM(VAR_NAME, PER_KEY_DATA_STACKED(0 /*default for non-existent keys*/, __VA_ARGS__))
} // end namespace bitfields
} // end namespace kaleidoscope