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/* Kaleidoscope - Firmware for computer input devices
* Copyright (C) 2013-2019, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include "kaleidoscope/key_defs.h"
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace sketch_exploration {
// A simple keymap adaptor class that makes the keymap conveniently accessible.
// at compiletime.
template<uint8_t _n_layers, uint8_t _layer_size>
class KeymapAdaptor {
const Key(&keymap_)[_n_layers][_layer_size];
static constexpr uint8_t n_layers = _n_layers;
static constexpr uint8_t layer_size = _layer_size;
constexpr KeymapAdaptor(const Key(&keymap)[_n_layers][_layer_size])
: keymap_{keymap}
constexpr Key getKey(uint8_t layer, uint8_t offset) const {
return keymap_[layer][offset];
constexpr Key getKey(uint8_t layer, KeyAddr key_addr) const {
return this->getKey(layer, key_addr.toInt());
// A special case for empty keymaps that makes the compiler happy.
class EmptyKeymapAdaptor {
static constexpr uint8_t n_layers = 0;
static constexpr uint8_t layer_size = 0;
constexpr Key getKey(uint8_t layer, uint8_t offset) const {
return Key_NoKey;
constexpr Key getKey(uint8_t layer, KeyAddr key_addr) const {
return Key_NoKey;
// This class implements compile time keymap traversal.
// Every key is visited an the _Accumulation functor decides on how
// the key's value affects the overal return value (accumulation).
template<uint8_t _n_layers, uint8_t _layer_size, typename _Accumulation>
class AccumulationHelper : public KeymapAdaptor<_n_layers, _layer_size> {
const _Accumulation &op_;
typedef typename _Accumulation::ResultType ResultType;
constexpr ResultType accumulateOnLayer(uint8_t layer, uint8_t offset) const {
return (offset >= _layer_size)
? op_.init_value
: op_.apply(this->getKey(layer, offset),
this->accumulateOnLayer(layer, offset + 1));
constexpr ResultType accumulate(uint8_t layer) const {
return (layer >= _n_layers)
? op_.init_value
: op_.apply(this->accumulateOnLayer(layer, 0),
this->accumulate(layer + 1));
typedef KeymapAdaptor<_n_layers, _layer_size> ParentType;
constexpr AccumulationHelper(const Key(&keymap)[_n_layers][_layer_size],
const _Accumulation &op)
: ParentType{keymap},
constexpr ResultType apply() const {
return this->accumulate(0);
// A special case for empty keymaps that makes the compiler happy.
template<typename _Accumulation>
class EmptyKeymapAccumulationHelper {
const _Accumulation &op_;
typedef typename _Accumulation::ResultType ResultType;
constexpr EmptyKeymapAccumulationHelper(const _Accumulation &op)
: op_{op}
constexpr ResultType apply() const {
return op_.init_value;
// Accumulation functors to be used with the KeymapInterface's collect
// method.
// Plugins can implement their own functors to request other types of
// information
struct MaxKeyRaw {
typedef Key ResultType;
static constexpr ResultType init_value = 0;
constexpr ResultType apply(Key k1, Key k2) const {
return (k1 > k2) ? k1 : k2;
struct NumKeysEqual {
typedef uint8_t ResultType;
static constexpr ResultType init_value = 0;
constexpr NumKeysEqual(Key k) : k_{k} {}
constexpr ResultType apply(Key test_key, ResultType r) const {
return (test_key == k_) ? r + 1 : r;
constexpr ResultType apply(ResultType r1, ResultType r2) const {
return r1 + r2;
Key k_;
struct HasKey {
typedef bool ResultType;
static constexpr ResultType init_value = false;
constexpr HasKey(Key k) : k_{k} {}
constexpr ResultType apply(Key test_key, ResultType r) const {
return (test_key == k_) ? true : r;
constexpr ResultType apply(ResultType r1, ResultType r2) const {
return r1 || r2;
Key k_;
// This class is actually defined and implemented in _INIT_KEYMAP_EXPLORATION
// which is invoked by KALEIDOSCOPE_INIT_PLUGINS
class KeymapInterface;
extern void pluginsExploreSketch();
// Read carefully
// About compile-time-only functions (COMPILE_TIME_USE_ONLY)
// On Harvard architecture an array like the Kaleidoscope keymap
// that is declared 'constexpr PROGMEM' must either be accessed
// by a runtime function through functions like pgm_read_byte
// or at compile time with ordinary array access. Using normal array
// access at run-time will cause a memory access failures as the MCU
// will try to read from SRAM instead of PROGMEM.
// There are some functions that are therefore restricted to compile-time
// use and will fail if instantiated by the compiler. There is no language
// inherent means to prevent the latter. Therefore, we flag all such functions
// as
// Call such functions consistently as
// constexpr auto val = aCompileTimeOnlyFunction(...);
// This ensures that they can not be instantiated and called at runtime.
// This macro defines a Sketch interface class that is passed to the
// exploreSketch<_Sketch>(...)-hook.
namespace kaleidoscope { \
namespace sketch_exploration { \
template<bool _keymap_is_empty> \
struct StaticKeymapHelper { \
template<int _n_layers, int _layer_size, typename _Accumulation> \
static constexpr auto accumulationHelper( \
const Key (&keymap)[_n_layers][_layer_size], \
const _Accumulation &op) \
-> AccumulationHelper<_n_layers, _layer_size, _Accumulation> \
{ \
return AccumulationHelper<_n_layers, _layer_size, \
_Accumulation>{keymap, op}; \
} \
template<int _n_layers, int _layer_size> \
static constexpr auto keymapAdaptor( \
const Key (&keymap)[_n_layers][_layer_size]) \
-> KeymapAdaptor<_n_layers, _layer_size> \
{ \
return KeymapAdaptor<_n_layers, _layer_size>{keymap}; \
} \
}; \
/* Empty keymaps need a special treatment */ \
template<> \
struct StaticKeymapHelper<true> { \
template<typename _Accumulation> \
static constexpr auto accumulationHelper(const _Accumulation &op) \
-> decltype(EmptyKeymapAccumulationHelper<_Accumulation>{op}) \
{ \
return EmptyKeymapAccumulationHelper<_Accumulation>{op}; \
} \
template<typename _Keymap> \
static constexpr auto keymapAdaptor(const _Keymap &) \
-> EmptyKeymapAdaptor \
{ \
return EmptyKeymapAdaptor{}; \
} \
}; \
class StaticKeymap \
{ \
private: \
static constexpr bool keymap_is_empty \
= (sizeof(::keymaps_linear) == 0); \
typedef StaticKeymapHelper<keymap_is_empty> SKH; \
public: \
/* COMPILE_TIME_USE_ONLY (see explanation above) \
* \
* The collect function visits all keys in the keymap and generates \
* a result based on the requirements that are defined by the \
* _Accumulation functor op. \
* \
* This approach is necessary as there is currently (c++11) no \
* language feature available that would enable compile time iterative \
* traversal of arrays like the keymap. \
* \
* Examples for an accumulation could e.g. be the number of occurences \
* of a specific key or if a key is present at all... \
*/ \
template<typename _Accumulation> \
static constexpr auto collect(const _Accumulation &op) \
-> typename _Accumulation::ResultType \
{ \
return SKH::accumulationHelper(::keymaps_linear, op).apply(); \
} \
/* COMPILE_TIME_USE_ONLY (see explanation above) \
*/ \
static constexpr Key getKey(uint8_t layer, KeyAddr key_addr) { \
return SKH::keymapAdaptor(::keymaps_linear).getKey(layer, key_addr); \
} \
static constexpr uint8_t nLayers() { \
return SKH::keymapAdaptor(::keymaps_linear).n_layers; \
} \
static constexpr uint8_t layerSize() { \
return SKH::keymapAdaptor(::keymaps_linear).layer_size; \
} \
}; \
} /* namespace sketch_exploration */ \
} /* namespace kaleidoscope */
} // namespace sketch_exploration
} // namespace kaleidoscope