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#pragma once
#include "LEDControl.h"
#include "LEDUtils.h"
class LEDRainbowEffect : LEDMode {
LEDRainbowEffect (void);
virtual void update (void) final;
uint16_t rainbow_hue = 0; //stores 0 to 614
static const uint8_t rainbow_steps = 1; //number of hues we skip in a 360 range per update
long rainbow_current_ticks = 0;
static const long rainbow_ticks = 10; //delays between update
static const byte rainbow_saturation = 255;
static const byte rainbow_value = 50;
class LEDRainbowWaveEffect : LEDMode {
LEDRainbowWaveEffect (void);
virtual void update (void) final;
uint16_t rainbow_hue = 0; //stores 0 to 614
static const uint8_t rainbow_wave_steps = 1; //number of hues we skip in a 360 range per update
long rainbow_current_ticks = 0;
static const long rainbow_wave_ticks = 10; //delays between update
static const byte rainbow_saturation = 255;
static const byte rainbow_value = 50;